This is a marketing communication.

Fund performance

Annual performance
TreeTop World ESG Leaders Equity Index IH

Evolution of the annual performance of TreeTop World ESG Leaders Equity Index IH vs Reference Index(1)

(1) From the launch until 25/01/2021, the reference index was MSCI ACWI Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. Since 26/01/2021, the reference index is MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. The performance achieved before this date was achieved under conditions that no longer exist.

Evolution of the NAV (Net Asset Value) of TreeTop World ESG Leaders Equity Index IH vs Reference Index(1)

(1) From the launch until 25/01/2021, the reference index was MSCI ACWI Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. Since 26/01/2021, the reference index is MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. The performance achieved before this date was achieved under conditions that no longer exist. In addition, the returns calculated on a daily basis may show performance discrepancies between the fund and the index due to the time lag between the calculation dates of these values.

Latest NAV in EUR

Cumulative returns
as of 05-02-2025

Fund Reference Index (1)
YTD 2,49% 2,54%
1 year 16,86% 21,55%

Annualized returns as of 05-02-2025

Fund Reference Index (1)
3 years 7,84% 11,27%
5 years 9,55% 11,41%
Origin* 8,54% 9,87 %

(1) From the launch until 25/01/2021, the reference index was MSCI ACWI Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. Since 26/01/2021, the reference index is MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index net dividends reinvested in EUR. The performance achieved before this date was achieved under conditions that no longer exist.
* from launch date of the sub-fund (2015).

Past performance and NAV evolution are no guarantee of future performance.

The returns are calculated in the reference currency: EUR.

The returns are calculated in the reference currency of the share class, reflect ongoing charges, including management and performance fees, taken from the sub-fund, but do not reflect any entry charges you might have to pay.

The calculations of returns are based on the historical NAVs which are available on the website.

General information

Summary of investors’ rights: You can click on for a summary of investors’ rights (in English) in the “Rights of Investors in UCIs managed by TreeTop”.

General information: the word "fund" is used as a generic term to designate SICAVs and sub-funds of SICAVs.
Name of fund TreeTop SICAV
Name of sub-fund TreeTop World ESG Leaders Equity Index
Management Company TreeTop Asset Management S.A., a management company under Luxembourg law
Delegated Investment Manager Amundi Asset Management
Type of product/ legal form/ applicable duty and applicable duration UCITS sub fund, being a SICAV under Belgian Law with undefinite end
Share class IH EUR
Dividend policy Capitalisation
Launch date 2015
ISIN code BE6275995957
Minimum initial inv. €5,000,000
Type of fund UCITS
Liquidity Daily
Domicile Belgium
Type of investor Professional investors (not natural persons)
Performance fee -
Entry fee 0.1%
Outgoing fee 0.05%
Fee for a change of sub-fund 0.10% for a change to this subfund / 0.05% for a change to another subfund
Management fees and other administrative or operating costs 0.3%
Transaction costs 0.2%
For a 10,000€ investment, it represents 20€ if you exit after 1 year.
Stock exchange transaction tax at redemption (or conversion) in Belgium 1.32% (max 4.000 EUR)
Belgian tax on savings (Belgian withholding tax at redemption) N/A
Belgian withholding tax on dividends N/A
The tax regime applies to an average retail customer, being a natural person residing in Belgium.


Risk indicator

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Lower risk

Higher risk

For further information on the risks and the risk indicator of the fund, please refer to the latest KID and prospectus.

Handling of client complaints
Send your complaint, in writing, to the attention of the “Compliance Officer”, at the following address: TreeTop Asset Management, Belgium Branch, rue des Francs, 79, 1040 Brussels.
We will send you an acknowledgement of receipt within 5 working days. We will analyze your complaint, if necessary in consultation with the management company, and give a detailed response in the month following its receipt, provided that the complaint is complete and specific.

Mediation service
For complaints relating to investment products and services - address your concern to the financial sector Ombudsman: Banks – Credits - Investments Mediation Service, North Gate II, Avenue Roi Albert II 8 B-1000 Brussels ( or [email protected]).
The mediation service may suggest solutions for resolving the dispute. In the event of a lack of mutual acceptance of the proposed solutions, either party can turn to the competent courts.

Summary of investors’ rights
You can click on for a summary of investors' rights (in English) in the “Rights of Investors in UCIs managed by TreeTop”.



It is essential to read and acknowledge the fund information documents before to subscribe. The KID, prospectus and the last annual and semi-annual reports are at your disposal in French and Dutch.

The NAVs of the subfund are also published on the website.

These documents are available on request and free of charge, in French and Dutch, from TreeTop Asset Management, Belgium Branch, 79 rue des Francs, 1040 Brussels or from the bank in charge of the fund administration in Belgium: CACEIS Bank, Belgium Branch, Avenue du Port 86C boite 320, 1000 Brussels or on

Fund strategy

The share class TreeTop World ESG Leaders Equity Index IH EUR (hereafter referred to as "the product") aims to replicate, as closely as possible, as part of passive management, the performance of the MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index net return (the “Index”), regardless of whether its performance is positive or negative. The Management Company aims to achieve a tracking error level (ex-ante) between changes in the valuation of shares of the product and that of the Index of less than  5% (no guarantee is given in this regard by the Management Company).
This product provides partial currency exchange hedging: 100% hedging of currency risk against EUR in the following currencies: USD, GBP, JPY, CAD, CHF and AUD and without hedging on other currencies. Given the composition of the Index as of December 31, 2023, this means that the portion of the portfolio not hedged against currency risk is approximately 13%, this proportion being subject to change depending on the weight of currencies not covered within the Index. In this respect, the different products proposed may have different levels of spread compared to the Index, due in particular to the impact that the currency risk hedging strategy may have. For this product, the currency risk will be reduced by the partial coverage, but the tracking error compared to the MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index, which is not currency hedged, will be higher. The historical differences this level of tracking error to be estimated at 5% (based on normal market conditions); this level however may be exceeded in case of high currency volatility between them.
The Index is an equity index calculated and published by the international index provider MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”). The shares forming the MSCI ACWI ESG Leaders Index are among the most significant values of the equity markets in developed and emerging countries. They represent, among the companies making up the MSCI ACWI Index, the securities of companies having, according to the index provider, the best ratings in environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters. The exposure to the Index will be achieved through physical replication with a direct investment in all components of the Index. This replication can lead to portfolio transaction costs having a considerable impact on the investment return. These costs are borne by the assets of the product. However, in order to handle the entries and exits, as well as the characteristics of the local equity markets (market access, liquidity, local tax), the Management Company will be able to combine physical replication with synthetic replication by using derivative instruments such as futures contracts and/or other UCIs, including Exchange Traded Funds. In the event of synthetic replication of the Index, counterparty risk will be higher.
You can request the redemption of your product every bank working day in Brussels, the redemption operations are carried out on a daily basis, subject to the limitations outlined in the prospectus and the articles of association.
This product does not distribute dividends (which means that the income generated by the product is added to the share price).
This product is reserved for institutional or professional investors acting on their own account, whose subscription is taken into account for the calculation of the 0.01% annual tax on undertakings for collective investment, including any professional investor within the meaning of the Law of 2012. These investors wish to invest for the long term (we recommend an investment horizon of 5 years). The investor must have a good knowledge of the risks associated with financial markets and be prepared to accept capital losses due to fluctuations in the value of the assets in the portfolio.
These objectives as well as the investment policy are an exact copy of those indicated in the corresponding KID.
The investment which is promoted concerns the acquisition of units or shares in a fund, and not in a given underlying asset.

Fund Manager

Amundi Asset Management

Main risk factors defining the risk level

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you.

We have classified this product as 4 out of 7, which is a medium risk class. This indicator assesses potential losses in future returns at a medium level, and poor market conditions could affect the value of the shares in which the product invests and therefore the value of the product itself.

This level of risk reflects the fact that the product invests in shares which are more risky than bonds or money market instruments.

This product does not include any protection from future market performance so you could lose some or all of your investment.

Other risks to be considered

Under unusual market conditions, other additional risks could arise:

  • Sustainability risk: environmental, social or governance event or condition that could cause an important negative impact on the value of an investment
  • Counterparty risk : the risk that the credit institution may not honour its commitments with regard these instruments. This risk is present when using financial derivative instruments to ensure the synthetic replication of the Index or to hedge the currency risk
  • Currency exchange risk: the product invests in securities denominated in currencies other than that of the product, the risk that the value of an investment may be influenced by exchange rate fluctuations is real.

Please refer to the prospectus for more details.

You can access the sustainability-related disclosures for this fund in the “Documents” section here above, or by clicking on the following link: INDEX Sustainability-related disclosures DEC24
The decision to invest in the promoted fund should take into account all the charactertistics or objectives of the promoted fund.