We set up our own investment funds

So that we can offer the investors first-class expertise combined with direct access to the performance of the global stock market. As an independent player, we look to support all investors and welcome them into our global, multisectoral vision of investment.

About us

A direct relationship, without intermediary

To better serve its Belgian clientele, the TreeTop group relies on its Belgian branch.

Are you investing over €250,000? You can request assistance from a dedicated Financial Advisor.

Discover Treetop Private

TreeTop funds

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Active funds

In active funds, the goal is to outperform* the average result achieved by reference indexes and markets. To do this, the manager must achieve this through his extensive expertise, analytical precision and firm belief in his investment strategy.

* Without guarantee of performance or result

Index funds

The TreeTop global index funds invest in most of the relevant and significant stock markets to make sure that you are there whenever wealth is being created. By investing in such funds you are no longer linked to the decisions of a manager and you closely track the evolution of the stock market.

Experienced managers

At a time when the economy is globalizing, the job of a fund manager demands a superior level of competence and involvement.

Meet the TreeTop managers